ProgressSoft as the Platinum Sponsor of the University of Jordan’s ACM Collegiate Programming Contest

Amman - September 30, 2016

ProgressSoft Corporation, the leading provider of real-time payment solutions sponsored the ACM Collegiate Programming Contest held at the University of Jordan on September 30 and October 1, 2016.

This programming contest is part of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), which is an annual multi-tiered programming competition among the universities of the world.

Each year, the contest is held at a different university where the rotation landed this year on the University of Jordan who works closely with ProgressSoft as a proud Jordanian software development house providing continuous support to the great programming talents in the country.

The competition takes place between teams of four that are current university students. During the contest, the teams are given 5 hours to solve between 8 and 12 programming problems. They must submit solutions as programs in C, C++, or Java. Programs are then run on test data. If a program fails to give a correct answer, the team is notified and can submit another program.

The competition emphasizes on teamwork and time management by providing each team with one computer to work on increasing the time pressure.

ProgressSoft representatives who attended the contest took part in distributing the prizes and certificates to the winning contestants on the second day of the event.