Post-Dated Checks Management

Prompt PDC

ProgressSoft’s Post-Dated Checks Management captures, fills, validates and maintains Post-Dated Checks (PDCs) in a manageable and secure storage until they are released for interbank or interbranch clearing at the bank or regulatory body.

The solution facilitates PDC truncation and saves time and effort required to maintain and manage PDC paper items.

Prompt PDC


Post-Dated Module

Prompt PDC includes a post-dated module responsible for providing capabilities necessary to capture, validate, store and present PDCs for clearing.

Post-Dated Module
Physical Location Reference

Physical Location Reference

Prompt PDC maintains a correlation between the electronic image based check item stored within the PDC repositories and the actual physical location reference of an originally captured PDC check allowing easy access to PDC checks in case a physical paper check needs to be accessed for removal, return, or rescan.

Report Module

Prompt PDC includes a report module responsible for providing extensive reporting capabilities including PDC store checks, released checks and deleted checks in any supported language.

Report Module

More features

Configuration Module

Prompt PDC includes a configuration module that enables users to define, manage and view already configured business and system entities such as holidays, instruments and checklists.

Tools Module

Prompt PDC offers a tools module that enables users to set certain preferences such as language, font size and default values, as well as provides communication monitoring capabilities.


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