Sparking Your Sense of Purpose

May 3, 2020

ProgressSoft Contributor

Sparking Your Sense of Purpose

Can you imagine a life in the absence of basic amenities or education?

Let that sink in. It’s hard to imagine right? Unfortunately, this is the reality for some families and children living in the rural areas of Jordan, who may be leading a life without basic human resources, roofs on their shelters, or the privilege of basic education.

So often are we consumed in our daily lives that we forget to take a moment to think of others, but it’s never too late to start dedicating time to give back to your community; not only has it been scientifically proven to enhance psychological well-being, but it helps in re-sparking a sense of purpose too.

We asked our colleagues how participating in ProgressSoft CSR initiatives has touched their lives, and here’s what they had to say:

Helping deliver food parcels to underprivileged families in Jordan alongside my colleagues from the ProgressSoft family made me appreciate the little things in life and filled me with gratitude. Not only did the smiles on their faces put a smile on ours but connecting with them and listening to their stories made the experience even more rewarding.

Good health, education, basic amenities, luxurious ones, that simple morning cup of coffee or even just peace of mind, these are all things we tend to take for granted. We are privileged, yet most of the time we go by our lives without actually counting our blessings.

Participating in ProgressSoft’s charity initiative made me realize that I’ve been ungrateful for my blessings for quite a while, and that it’s time to start to be thankful for them.

It’s kind of amazing how the simplest things can make people happy, and even more mind-blowing how it can make you feel inside when you’re blessed to take part in drawing that smile on their faces.

Participating in ProgressSoft’s CSR initiative certainly stirred my sense of awareness. It’s wonderful how an act of kindness so negligible to many is enough to keep a whole family content during the winter season, plus, the smiles you get to witness are priceless! I feel lucky to always be reminded by ProgressSoft initiatives to give back to the community, and hope that with this simple message I can pass this great reminder to others.

Helping others is the right and moral thing to do, it’s a responsibility that brings happiness and satisfaction to both the supporter and receiver, and also boosts self-esteem! I believe that giving back is necessary to create positive ties and trust within a community, and that blessings and fortunes are worthless if not shared with others.

Charitable and governmental entities today are making it easier for both people and corporates to choose a cause they are passionate about, and a good start would be to participate in your own company’s CSR initiatives too. How will you spark your sense of purpose this month?

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